In the world of gaming, Felix “xQc” Lengyel has made a name for himself as a former professional Overwatch player turned Twitch streamer. His remarkable influence...
Fnatic Valorant, the European behemoth, emerged as the champions of the highly-anticipated VCT LOCK//IN Brazil LAN event, dethroning the local team LOUD in a captivating final....
Valorant Gekko: Riot Games, the mastermind behind the wildly popular FPS game VALORANT, has recently revealed its 22nd Agent, the enigmatic and elusive “Gekko.” As an...
Are you one of the many VALORANT players who struggle to hit their shots? Perhaps it’s time to adjust your crosshair settings. Crosshair is the holy...
Dear fellow Valorant fans, rejoice! A new agent is on the horizon – Agent 22, aka Valorant Gekko – and it’s coming in hot with the...
Oh boy, hold onto your keyboards folks, because Ludwig Ahgren, aka Ludwig, just dropped a bomb on Twitter! Yesterday, February 27, 2023, the YouTuber announced his...
Prepare for Valorant Oni 2.0! Find out about the cost, katana melee and other exciting features. This article contains all the information you need about ValorantOni...
Get to know the monthly expenditure of Velocity Gaming as revealed by VLT Sentinels. Learn more about the financial side of esports.
VALORANT, the wildly popular first-person shooter with a tactical gameplay developed from Riot Games, is all ready to be given an agent in the near future. And...
The developers of Valorant have introduced a whole new character into the game with the patch update 3.10. The new chamber character in valorant sentinel roster...
7 October 2021, India: Penta Esports has announced the launch of its first grassroots esports league, ‘Penta Amateur League’ featuring a total prize pool of ₹50,00,000...
Global Esports will not travel to Thailand to play the Valorant Champions Tour APAC Last Chance Qualifier due to travel restrictions of covid. The captain and...