Destiny 2 Iron Banner: Dates, Start time, rewards

The Destiny 2 Iron Banner event is a highly anticipated and exciting time for PvP enthusiasts. This special timed event offers limited-time rewards for completing Iron Banner activities, such as exotic weapons, armor, and unique shaders. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming Destiny 2 Iron Banner event.
Destiny 2 Iron Banner Dates and Activities
The first Iron Banner event of the season runs from March 21 to March 28. There are two additional Iron Banner events scheduled from April 4 to April 11 and from April 25 to May 2. Players must have completed the New Light quest and met Lord Shaxx to access Iron Banner. Then, they must speak to Lord Saladin in the Tower Courtyard to participate.
Throughout the event, players can rank up with Lord Saladin by completing matches and tasks that improve player reputation. Rank rewards are cumulative throughout the season, meaning players will begin the second Iron Banner event with the reputation gained from the first event.
Iron Banner Rewards
Iron Banner offers a limited set of rewards that players can only get by completing Iron Banner activities. This season, players can earn previous Iron Banner weapons with new perks, such as the Jorum’s Claw Solar pulse rifle and the Bite of the Fox Kinetic sniper rifle. Additionally, players can earn the Iron Companion Set armor.
Players who haven’t earned these weapons before are guaranteed to get them by ranking up, while those who have can focus engrams to attempt to gain better rolls. Expect to exchange an engram, 25-50 Legendary shards, and 5,000-10,000 Glimmer to focus these engrams.
Iron Banner Quests
As of season 19, players participating in Iron Banner are required to acquire and complete the Forging Iron quest. The quest steps include completing an Iron Banner match, a daily challenge, earning Iron Banner rank points, and collecting an Iron Banner engram reward from Lord Saladin. Completing the quest will fully unlock all of Lord Saladin’s vendor options.
Iron Banner Reputation Boosts
To complete the Iron Banner quest line as quickly as possible, Guardians can boost their Iron Banner reputation gains by doing the following:
- Equip five pieces of Iron Banner gear (200% increase for all five pieces).
- Complete Iron Banner daily challenges (100% increase per challenge, up to 400%).
- Equip the Iron Banner emblem (10% increase).
- Complete more Iron Banner matches, as the more matches you complete, the more the game accelerates your progress per match.
- Increase Iron Banner rank, as higher ranks also reward more reputation.
Iron Banner Tips
If you plan to compete in Iron Banner, be sure to master your character build by checking out our guides to the best Destiny 2 Warlock builds, the best Destiny 2 Hunter builds, and the best Destiny 2 Titan builds. Remember that Iron Banner used to take into account Light levels, but that is no longer the case, so you don’t need to worry about leveling your weapons and gear before participating.
In conclusion, the Destiny 2 Iron Banner event is an exciting time for PvP enthusiasts. With limited-time rewards, it’s essential to participate and rank up during the event to earn the most significant rewards. So gear up, get your fireteam ready, and prepare for battle!
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