Reaction from Mr. Vaibhav Dange, Founding Member, Federation of Electronic Sports Associations India On Announcement of Government of India setting up a task force for AVGC promotion

Founding Member
Federation of Electronic Sports Associations India
“Federation of Electronic Sports Association of India (FEAI) welcomes the move of the Government of India to set up a task force for Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics (AVGC) promotion. FEAI has been recommending policy intervention towards the promotion of AVGC at the national level as well as placing a strong emphasis on development across states through regional chapters. We are enthused that the Government is focused on building domestic capacity for serving our markets along with the global demand. We firmly believe that the AVGC sector offers immense potential to employ youth and this move will lead to further strengthening the growing segment of Electronic Sports in India. The recent inauguration of ABAI AVGC Center of Excellence was also a progressive step in this direction and we are happy that things are moving ahead rapidly towards an Atmanirbhar Esports Ecosystem for India.”